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L & S America – Rob Halliday reviews Vista

LSA 2005

Writing in the February 2005 edition of Lighting and Sound America, Rob Halliday reviewed a beta version of Vista

“Once in a very rare while, a thoroughly remarkable product comes along, a product that changes not only the way you do your job, but your whole approach to that job.

The first thyristor dimmers must have been like that, and the first memory lighting controllers, as well as those early moving lights. The very finest of these products are so elegant that they manage to be revolutionary while appearing so obvious that you wonder why nobody thought of them before. Think of WYSIWYG. Or, beyond our industry, think of the first appearance of the Apple Lisa and Macintosh in the then-DOS-only world.

And now there is the Jands Vista lighting console”.

Download / read the article. (PDF – 475kb)

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