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12 Tips for Christmas. Week 1

Check your software is up to date

This may sound silly but it is not unusual for people to contact us with a problem, only to find that their software has not been updated for an extended period of time.

We post the latest versions of our software in the support section of our website:

Whenever a new version of our console software is available, we send out an email alerting users. As a part of our valued user base you would normally receive one of these email alerts. If the person responsible for updating Jands products is not receiving these emails, please ensure that their contact details are sent to us at support@jands.com and we’ll add their details to our mailing list.

However, even though we have suggested you check your software is up to date we do not recommend updating your console at critical times. Below are some points you should consider when thinking about updating your system to the latest software:

  • Make sure you have plenty of time to explore the new features to see how they will work for you, and how they might affect your setup or show;
  • Allow plenty of time before your shows to ensure you don’t uncover any critical bugs that slipped through our testing process. This will give us time to work with you to get the bugs fixed, and allow you to get your show underway;
  • Unless your show is affected by a particular bug do not update your software if you have almost finished programming your show. Wait until after the show day for non-critical updates;
  • Do not update your software just before the audience walks in (This has happened before!);
  • Do not update your software until you have backed up all of your show data, an easy to overlook step as the new software might corrupt or invalidate your setup
  • Never, ever use beta builds on a live show unless you have assured yourself that it is show ready.

Video Tip – Arrange and Setup Quick Picker Favourites

Video tip 1
In this video you’ll learn some useful shortcuts including how to add presets and other components to the Favourites page of the Quickpicker.

Watch on Youtube >

One response to “12 Tips for Christmas. Week 1”

  1. giancarlo says:

    This is a very nice wat to help people! lovely THANX!!!!!

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